C e r t i f i c a t e o f P e d i g r e e SR30598301
Working Certificate
New Zealand Import
New Zealand Import
UK Import
New Zealand Import
Working Certificate
I certify that the information contained herein is accurate: ENG CH Poolstead Pipe Smoker Eng SH CH Poolstead Preferential Poolstead Positive Mystery Poolstead Picture Book Poolstead Palm Sunday Poolstead Palmerston ENG CH Poolstead Pegg NZ, INT'L CH Croftsway Komic Book ENG CH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway Charway Uncle Tom Eng CH Cambremer All That Jazz NZ CH Croftsway Oprah The Star Beulahlands Dove Hill Mud River, CGC Croftsway Xpress Bug NZ CH Driftway Moonlite Express Croftsway Scuttlebug ENG CH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway Charway Uncle Tom NZ, INT'L CH Croftsway Old Man River Eng CH Cambremer All That Jazz Croftsway Xpress Bug NZ CH Driftway Moonlite Express NAT'L CH Ducktales Just In Case Croftsway Scuttlebug AM / INT'L CH Mika's Mountain Man of Penara AM/Can CH Nipntuck Arncha Bold Beulahlands Arncha Special Harbortop Berby O'Pine Edge Countryside's Burning Bridges AM/Can CH Bradking Rangeways Mr. Chips Inselheim Hilltop Molly Swim ENG CH Brandhams Show Stopper Boothgates Kountry Kraft CH Naiken Indian Temple, MH - English Import Brandhams Hot Choice Naiken Fairy Footsteps Lougin Lancer CH Simerdown's Dr Pepper Naiken Adisl CH Simerdown's Webster's Unabridged Jenivelle's Princess Tyonek Sunnydaze Black Max Simerdown's Queen Jenivelle Simerdown's Cracklin' Rosie Crystals Shasta, WC, CGC Simerdown's Sgt Preston Cherryvale Simmering Samantha Chucklebrook Country Mouse Chucklebrook Mogen Dovidcain CH Chucklebrook Mousefeathers Crystals Queen Anne's Lace, WC, CGC Ledgecroft's Water Lily CH Scrimshaw Duckless Fairbank Hampshire's Ledgecroft Lady Can CH Rickway Wiskeybottom Mastermind Eng SH/ AM/ CAN CH Lindall Mastercraft Whiskey Bottom Solitaire Rose Acre Dove Hill Shasta CH Riverroad's Scouts Honour Can CH Rickway Whiskeybottom Moonshine Ledgecroft's Somethin's Bruin Dove Hills Crystal Rose, CGC, TDI REG. NAME: Crystals Rose Bay BREEDER(S): TITLES: REG. # OWNER: BREED: LABRADOR RETRIEVER CO-OWNER: COLOR: BIRTH DATE: 00/00/0000 SEX: F ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Signed: Date